Wallis and Futuna Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture (CCIMA) / Tourism Unit of the Wallis and Futuna Higher Administration for Business, Economics and Development
Adress: BP 16 – 98 600 UVEA, Wallis and Futuna
Telephone: (+681) 72 17 17 / (+681) 72 11 26
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Director of Publication: Lauriane Verge – CCIMA President
Editor-in-Chief: Denis Ehrsam - CCIMA Director General
Content writers & editors:
- Denis Ehrsam - CCIMA Director General
- Sylvain Paoli - Tourism Project Manager - Higher Administration
- Marion Kuaola - Tourism Project Assistant Manager - Higher Administration
- Victoria Talalua - CCIMA Tourism Officer
Orange Wallis et Futuna
Adress: Route Afala – Liku
BP 54 – District de Hahake – 98 600 Wallis
Telephone: (+681) 72 06 00
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Design & Production
7 bis rue Gambetta, Vallée du tir
BP 10 992 – 98 805 Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie
Telephone: (+687) 26 20 69
Florian Gourmelen - Matalaa Design
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Photo credits: Thierry Beauvilain Ouvrard, Patric Walleit, Benjamin Brial, Grégory Duprez, Denis Ehrsam, Marion Kuaola, Sylvain Paoli, Peata Alakiletoa, Victoria Talalua, Anthony Taitusi
Video: Anthony Taitusi – WF Tourisme (SAEDT)
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